Showing: 31 - 35 of 35 RESULTS

Baby, Toddler and Family Travel Gear

Affordable and top-rated baby and toddler travel gear will make traveling with little ones much easier. Challenging moments become easy-breezy when you come prepared. Take it from a well-traveled mama, even if I learned the hard way to start. Just a heads up – I always look for quality items but at an affordable price. …

kids tablet

Best Apps and Shows for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Whatever you do, don’t say the “s-word”! Yep, you guessed it… “SCREEN TIME” Nowadays it’s almost considered taboo. Is this where mom-shaming started? It sure seems like it. Unrightfully so. It’s ok for your child to look at a screen…in doses. As a physical therapist, blogger, and lover of watching TV with my hubby, I …

Road Trip Survival Guide With a Baby or Toddler

Are you gearing up to head back out there, on the open road, with the wind in your hair, and the… “Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” Or, my 3-year-old’s latest was, “But Mama, I can’t wait any longer!” while waiting for the best, pizza, ever at Grimaldi’s in …

15 Secrets to Traveling With a Baby or Toddler

I am the biggest believer in traveling with LO’s. I mean, that’s why I created this blog – to inspire other parents to face their traveling woes and show their kids the world. However. HOWEVER. I will also be the first to admit that it is not always easy. Traveling can be stressful. Parenting can …